MeteoLux Current Weather Forecast
The flood warning service is in alert status. Risk of major floods, causing large inundation that could have a significant impact on people and property; even in areas that are rarely flooded. Updates at least twice daily or by change of situation.
The precipitation that has fallen or is still expected to fall will lead to a rise in water levels in Luxembourg's water courses. This rise will accelerate towards the evening and the ‘cote de préalerte’ is expected to be exceeded in the late evening or during the night at most reporting gauges. The ‘cote d'alerte’ will also be exceeded at some gauging stations on the Alzette, Attert, Eisch and Sauer during the night.
Please check regularly for updates.
Update in the event of a change of situation.
A flood report is available for Luxembourg (without Moselle):
Flood Report Luxembourg (without Moselle) (PDF)
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In hochwassergefährdeten Gebieten
The flood warning service is on standby. The meteorological situation is indicating a potential risk of floods, be prepared. Update by change of situation.
Due to the rainfall since Monday and the forecasted heavy rains, the water levels of the Moselle will rise significantly today and tomorrow. A peak level of about 515 cm at the Stadtbredimus gauge is expected tomorrow morning. Reporting levels (530cm Stadtbredimus) are not expected to be exceeded.
A flood report is available for the Moselle:
MeteoLux Current Weather Forecast