MeteoLux Current Weather Forecast
The flood warning service is in pre-alert status. Risk of minor floods generating possible damages in flood prone areas. Pay attention in case of seasonal activities in these areas. Update by change of situation.
The showery rainfall in the afternoon/evening resulted in a renewed rise in water levels at some gauges. However, this is not expected to be too high. The gauges on the Alzette and Eisch rivers will be particularly affected.
Please inform yourself regularly on
Update if the situation changes.
No new flood report will be issued.
A flood report is available for Luxembourg (without Moselle):
Flood Report Luxembourg (without Moselle) (PDF)
Mögliche Auswirkungen
In hochwassergefährdeten Gebieten
Due to the heavy rainfall of the last few days and yesterday night, the water levels on the Moselle have risen until the morning.
The maximum water levels at the Stadtbredimus gauge were reached this morning around 510 cm. Water levels on the Moselle have been falling again since midday. The water level will continue to fall for the rest of the day and a new rise can currently be ruled out.
A flood report is available for the Moselle:
MeteoLux Current Weather Forecast